Summer camp gay xxx story

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There were activities during the day such as high ropes, abseiling, archery and kayaking (among others) which kids could participate in at their own pleasure. After those first few days though, he became as talkative as any of the other boys there. Max was naturally shy, and I think the fact that he didn't know anyone else made it difficult for him to interact with others for the first few days of the camp. Max didn't know anyone else, so I shared a room with him in my group's cabin. There was also Max, a 13 year old with short, spiky blonde hair, a cute face, slim build and quite short in height. In our cabin, there were four pairs of boys who knew each other, so they naturally shared a room with each other.

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This particular camp was two weeks long, with boys coming from all across the country. Each pair had their own separate room, but we had to share the bathroom and living areas of our cabin with the other boys. The groups slept in cabins with 5 rooms each (shared by pairs). I was the oldest of the group of boys I was taking care of. Back when I was 16, I was chosen to be a supervisor for a group of boys at a summer camp, which I had applied for to get some extra cash.

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